- Keeps 100% of the cattle out
100% of the time!
- The drinker is not open to the air. This minimizes evaporation losses
- The wrap-around drinking trough provides the ability
to water larger numbers of livestock
- Trough is easily cleanable with minimal water loss (just drain the trough and sweep)
- High volume/low pressure trough float maintains water levels without wasting water and is plug resistant
- Durable, Epoxy Coated steel has maximum life expectancy with minimum maintenance
- Water level indicator allows easy monitoring of water levels from any viewable distance
- Standard drinkers are filled with a single external water line
and controlled with an internal float
- Water storage provides a reserve water supply after water source is depleted
- Drinker is designed for easy protection of
the water source (hydrant)
- Standard drinkers are fitted
with lifting logs for easy transportation or relocation
Ideal applications for the SD1 include:
Cow-Calf Pair Operations
Calves can always reach the water
Un-matched tank durability
Summer Intensive Grazing
Large herd numbers, high peak water demands, uncontaminated water, flexibility in water distribution design
Low Pressure or Low Flow Applications
Water is available on-demand without affecting incoming flow rates
Non-Permanent Installs
Leased ground or temporary grazing applications
Solar and Wind Applications
High volume storage available with minimum losses
Cost Shared Applications
SD-1s are compatible with all cost share programs to-date.
The SD-1 is the first water storage unit that provides the owner/operator with an investment that does not lose its value over time. The SD-1 can be moved when grazing strategies change, or can be sold when operations transition. Historically, water storage and water drinking tanks lose most of their value immediately after they are installed -
"it’s hard to resell concrete after it has been poured.”
We can help you get the right solution!