Brian Barber and his son, Shane Barber,
began refurbishing storage tanks 10 years ago for their own
ranch, and then began selling them. What used to be
a half a dozen tanks in a year has grown to almost 400,000 gallons of water storage
units sold to local ranchers
in 2013 alone. Barber Industries now builds new water storage tanks specific to each customer’s needs.
Typical tanks range from 5,000 to 20,000 gallons and include:
Vertical Water Storage Tanks: Above ground & Partially
Horizontal Water Storage Tanks: Buried & Partially
In 2007, a NEW design was developed to help intensive grazers.
Water Storage Drinker (SD1): Above
ground & non-permanent install. The
entire tank is 3/16” steel and positively keeps the cattle
out. This product
makes a great match for intensive grazing. It can be moved to
new pasture locations, and it provides a lot more flexibility
than other drinking tanks.
CALL US TODAY, 605-343-5472!
We'd be
happy to talk with you about your intensive grazing program
as much as we would the water storage business.